Find all informations about rails and train station in India

Do you need to find train station ? Checking Timetable & Fares ? You come to the right place ! combine all informations about trains and train station in India !

All train stations by zone

The Indian railway, train station and trains have a major impact on India in the 2020s.
Did you know that more than five billion people travel by train in India each year?

Or 14 million every day, 160 per second!

To help you with your journeys, was created to help you to use trains in everyday journeys to:

- Find the nearest train station,
- Share and review travel advice,
- To know which train is next for every station and its destination.

It is our mission for us to help you to answer your day-to-day questions, for example:

- What's the closest train station?
- How do I reach station ***?
- When is the next train for ?

Our goal is to provide you an accurate and comprehensive guide to all the Indian train stations and make your everyday travel easier.
For this purpose, we have categorized the railway stations by zones and each zone is divided by division.
But most importantly, you can use our Search Engine to locate a station by city!

Don't forgot that we are open to all suggestions, opinions, and ideas, so don't hesitate to contact us here

Enjoy your visit and have a good trip!